>>Professional Development
Professional Development
There are a number of ways to register for our trainings:
Online: You can register for any of our trainings and pay by Visa, MasterCard or Discover. On the Calendar click the title of the class you want to sign up for, and complete the registration & payment. If you are an in-home child care provider and using CSEA funding you can now register for your classes on our calendar by entering your 5 digit CSEA code. If you do not have your code or it will not let you register you can call us and we will be happy to help.
By Mail: Download a copy of our current Registration Form. Complete all information and return with your check/money order to 6724 Thompson Road, Syracuse, NY 13211.
In-Person: You can also visit us at our Syracuse office to register in person.
Review our Training NAVIGATOR.
Review our Policies and Procedures.