COVID 19 and Providers

COVID-19 & Childcare Professionals

Information regarding the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is developing rapidly. We are encouraging all child care providers and programs to stay up to date with the latest information by regularly checking the OCFS, NYS DOH, and CDC websites for updates. To help you stay informed, we’ve compiled the following list of reliable resources specifically related to COVID-19 and child care and will update this page as we receive more information.

Our office will follow the OCFS guidelines for wearing masks. Updated information can be found at:

We are asking all programs to keep Child Care Solutions updated with any openings you may have. Those programs with no openings do not need to contact us. There are a number of ways you can let us know of openings:

The services you provide our community are critical, and we cannot thank you enough for doing the work you do. Our emergency responders need child care programs operating during this time of crisis.

Mask Mandate Lifted in Child Care Programs

March 1, 2022 - OCFS has released information about the mask mandate. Effective March 2, 2022 OCFS is no longer requiring that masks be worn in your child care program. You may continue to require masks and child children or staff should continue to be encouraged to wear a mask if they prefer to do so.

The decision to end the child care mask requirement is based on several factors including greatly reduced COVID-19 case rates compared to the heights of the 221-2022 winter surge.

Child care programs are strongly encouraged to review and strengthen all health and safety measures to compensate for the end of universal masking.

With the absence of a universal mask requirement, there are still circumstances when masking should be used in child care programs, regardless of vaccination status. Click here for a full list and to read the entire letter from OCFS.

Documents & Guidance

  • Tuesday, May 31, 2022: Changes to Isolation and Quarantine Requirements for Those Who Are Unable to Wear a Well-Fitting Mask - Updated information from the Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) for your child care program. There is new information about the the 10-day isolation or quarantine requirement. To read the full letter, please click here.

  • Tuesday, March 1, 2022: Updated Child Care Mask Guidance - On March 2, 2022, OCFS is no longer requiring that masks be worn in child care programs and will not be enforcing emergency regulations until they expire. You may continue to require masks and children or staff should continue to be encouraged to wear a mask if they prefer to do so. To read the full letter, please click here.

Contact Your Licensor/Register: We'd like to remind you if your childcare program is choosing to close or being told to close for issues related to COVID-19, you are required by OCFS regulation to immediately notify your regional office, registration office or enrollment agency. You should also notify your regional office, registration office or enrollment agency if a child in your program has been quarantined. The Syracuse Regional Office can be contacted at (315) 423-1202 and Child Care Solutions may be contacted at (315) 446-1220.

New York State Department of Health (NYS DOH)

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information Page:

Centers for Disease Control and Protection (CDC)

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Information:

The CDC website includes a number of useful resources for both child care providers and parents including:

Additional Resources

Child Care Aware® of America (CCAoA)

CCAoA is closing monitoring the situation around the Coronavirus(COVID-19) outbreak, and gathered resources for both child care providers and parents:

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)

NCTSN has developed a resource that provides information for parents and caregivers about infectious disease outbreaks in your community:

Knowing important information about the outbreak and learning how to be prepared can reduce stress and help calm likely anxieties. This resource will help parents and caregivers think about how an infectious disease outbreak might affect their family— both physically and emotionally—and what they can do to help their family cope.

National Child and Adult Care Food Program Sponsors Association

In response to the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, USDA FNS has established nationwide waivers to support access to nutritious meals while minimizing potential exposure to the novel coronavirus. These waivers are effective immediately and remain in effect through June 30, 2020, or until the expiration of the federally declared public health emergency, whichever is earlier. Find out more information here:

Important Phone Numbers

NYS Department of Health 24/7 Hotline: 1-888-364-3065

A “live person” is available 24/7 to answer questions; they may refer you as well to your local county health department.

Local County Health Departments: