Building Resiliency in Infants and Toddlers

Sorry Registration for this event ended on February 23rd, 2022 12:00 AM
 Registration is closed for this event
Online ZOOM training; valid e-mail is required.


Promoting resilience in infants and toddlers that will impact the children now and throughout their life. This training covers social-emotional health, attachment and relationships, self-regulation, and initiative. This is an important topic for those caring for infants and toddlers but given the circumstances of today with COVID-19, it is even more pressing.

Before registering, please be sure to read our Professional Development Program Policies & Procedures. A completed registration with payment will assume that you have read and understood the policies and procedures. 

February 24th, 2022 6:30 PM through  8:30 PM
ZOOM Platform
Valid e-mail required, NY
United States
Class Fee:
Non-Member Fee $30.00
Member Fee $20.00