Toddler Art

Sorry Registration for this event ended on February 7th, 2021 12:00 AM
 Registration is closed for this event

In this training, participants will experience using a variety of traditional and non-traditional art materials that can be used in a toddler-age classroom.  Participants will discuss barriers to designing and implementing successful art experiences for toddlers where they can freely explore materials.  Participants will leave the training with a list of non-traditional materials they can add to their program, as well as a number of activities focusing on open-ended exploration of materials by toddlers.

Before registering, please be sure to read our Professional Development Program Policies & Procedures. A completed registration with payment will assume that you have read and understood the policies and procedures. 

February 8th, 2021 6:30 PM through  8:30 PM
Distance Learning Course
United States
Class Fee:
Non-Member Fee $30.00
Member Fee $20.00