Meal Time Challenges in Family & Group Family Day Care

Sorry Registration for this event ended on September 22nd, 2019 4:03 PM
 Registration is closed for this event

Mealtime is about more than proper nutrition.  Participants will discuss creating a nurturing, safe environment for children where time is spent connecting with other children and adults.  Participants will be able to recognize the benefit of engaging with children during mealtimes.  Including children of all ages in meal preparation as well as incorporating family style dining in your program. This is a free training workshop taught by our new Infant Toddler Specialist, Casey Miner. 

Before registering, please be sure to read our Professional Development Program Policies & Procedures. A completed registration with payment will assume that you have read and understood the policies and procedures. 

September 23rd, 2019 5:30 PM through  8:30 PM