Incorporating Nutrition and Food Preparation Activities in Your Program

Sorry Registration for this event ended on April 26th, 2019 11:59 PM
 Registration is closed for this event

Nutrition and food preparation can be a fun experience that teaches children about measuring, nutrition, following directions, and many other learning opportunities. In this session, we'll discuss easy ways to incorporate experiences into your program that will be easy and educational. During the session, we'll discuss how to offer and organized experience based on the individual needs of your group. We'll also discuss how to keep everyone safe when we're preparing food and make sure everything is done in a sanitary manner. Come learn how easy it is to make this a regular part of your program and help foster a love of nutrition and food preparation with your group of kids. 

Before registering, please be sure to read our Professional Development Program Policies & Procedures. A completed registration with payment will assume that you have read and understood the policies and procedures. 

April 29th, 2019 6:30 PM through  8:30 PM
Class Fee:
Non-Member Fee $30.00
Member Fee $20.00